Source: ĥ67785 views added to favorites 7583 times. Source: There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Source: 592020 Verse 1 Em7 G D Ive got fire for a heart Im not scared of the dark Cadd9 Youve never seen it look so easy Em7 G D I got a river for a soul and baby youre a boat Cadd9 Baby youre my only reason Verse 2 Em7 Cadd9 If I didnt have you there would be nothing left G D A shell of a man that could never be his best Em7 Cadd9 If I didnt have you Id never see the sun D Cadd9. Source: We have an official Drag Me Down tab made by UG professional guitarists. Source: Drag Me Down tab by One Direction. There is no strumming pattern for this song. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect or you want to share more information about the song above. Image Result For Flute Notes For Drag Me Down Flute Sheet Music Piano Notes Songs Oboe Music from in. Unlimited access to over 1.1 million arrangements for every instrument, genre & skill levelStart Your Free Month Get your unlimited access PASS1 Month Free. 2 contributors total last edit on Jul 21 2020. Download and Print Drag Me Down sheet music for Piano, Vocal & Guitar by One Direction in the range of G3-C5 from Sheet Music Direct.